RB3-0122-000CN is represented by #14 in the diagram below.
RB3-0111-000CN Flag
Paper flag - Plastic rod with paper sensing flag on one end and sensor activator flag on the other
RB3-0120-020CN Cover
Solenoid cover (Steel) - For magnetic wave sheilding - Mounts over the solenoid on the right side of the front frame assembly
RB3-0121-000CN Spring
Right retaining spring - Helps to secure and ground the imaging drum/transfer assembly in the printer
RH7-5383-000CN Solenoid
Solenoid assembly - (SL92) Lever on the solenoid disengages the stop on the drive gear on the paper pickup roller for the multipurpose input tray (tray 1)
RB9-0890-000CN Hinge
Tray hinge - 'L' shaped plastic arm - For the right side of the multipurpose front input tray (tray 1)
RG5-7601-000CN Tray Assembly
Multipurpose front input tray assembly (tray 1) - Includes the front cover piece, pull-out paper support, and the flip-out extender
Q3948-67928 Gear Assembly
Front frame gear kit - Includes the 20 tooth/40 tooth dual gear, 26 tooth gear, metal plate with two gears assembly and the bushing for the paper pickup clutch gear shaft - All mount on the right side of the front frame assembly
RG5-7584-000CN Guide
Paper guide assembly - Paper width adjustable guide assembly for the multipurpose front input tray (tray 1)
Q3948-67907 Roller
Paper pickup roller replacement kit - Includes the pickup roller (`D` shaped roller), separation pad, and illustrated instructions - Picks paper from the multipurpose front input tray (tray 1)
Q3948-67912 Roller
Paper pickup roller kit - Includes the `D` shaped the paper pickup roller assembly and the separation pad assembly - For the multipurpose front input tray (tray 1)
RG5-6952-000CN Roller
Paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the shaft, guide assembly cams, the D-shaped roller, and roller retainers - Picks paper from the multipurpose front input tray (tray 1)
RG5-6952-020CN Roller
Paper pickup roller assembly - Includes the shaft, guide assembly cams, the D-shaped roller, and roller retainers - Picks paper from the multipurpose front input tray (tray 1) - Mounts in the lower portion of the front frame assembly
RB9-0889-000CN Hinge
Tray hinge - 'L' shaped plastic arm - For the left side of the multi-purpose front input tray (tray 1)
RG5-7131-000CN Reader
E-label reader (contact board ONLY) - Connects the cartridge nonvoliatile memory to the DC controller board
Q3948-67913 Gear
Front frame gear kit - Includes the 20 tooth / 40 tooth dual gear, 26 tooth gear, metal plate with two gears assembly, and the bushing for the paper pickup clutch gear shaft
RF5-4047-000CN Pad
Light blocking pad assembly - Black plastic frame with soft rubber gasket and stiff conductive Mylar piece (grounded)
RS6-8687-000CN Label
Label - Illustrates the imaging drum/transfer assembly cartridge removal procedure - Mounts on the upper internal cover
RB2-3044-000CN Bushing
Right roller bushing - Acts as the bearing and retainer for the right end of the paper pickup roller assembly (tray 1)
Q3948-67914 Cover
Internal cover kit - Includes the curved plastic cover (with recessed area for grasping the handle on the imaging drum/transfer assembly) and the cartridge removal label
RB3-1134-000CN Cover
Internal cover (ONLY) - Curved plastic piece with recessed area for grasping the handle on the imaging drum/transfer assembly - Mounts towards the front of the printer just above the multipurpose tray
RB3-1135-000CN Cover
Lower front cover - Rectangular plastic strip - Mounts just below the multipurpose input tray on the front of the printer
RB3-0104-000CN Cover
Roller cover - Covers the multipurpose paper pickup roller assembly - Mounts on the lower front of the front frame assembly