RH7-7159-000CN is represented by #9 in the diagram below.
RB3-0019-000CN Tray
Toner catch tray (curved Black plastic piece) - Holds residual toner from photosensitive drum
RG5-6897-020CN Roller
Upper top bin output roller assembly - Includes the shaft with four rubber rollers, two bushing/shaft retainers, two anti-reversing flaps, and the drive gear
RF5-4049-000CN Guide
Entrance guide assembly - Angled metal guide between the registration roller and the transfer roller
RH7-1537-000CN Fan
Cooling fan (Panaflo Model FBA08T24H - 80mm X 80mm X 15mm high, DC brushless, 24V DC, 190mA)
RH7-1630-000CN Fan
Cooling fan (Panaflo Model FBA08T24H - 80mm X 80mm X 15mm high, DC brushless, 24V DC, 190mA)
RF5-4040-020CN Roller
Transfer roller assembly - Long black foam type roller - Transfers static charge to paper Part RF5-4040-000CN is no longer supplied. Please order the replacement, RF5-4040-020CN