0515-2908 is represented by #19 in the diagram below.
RM1-0835-020CN Plate
Right side plate assembly - Includes the right side plate, drive motor, most all drive gears, and cam levers - Does not come with the pickup roller solenoid or 69 tooth gear - Right side of the internal printer mechanism
RM1-0833-030CN PC Board
Print engine control board - For 110/127 VAC - Provides motor drive, paper motion monitoring, printing control and power supply
RM1-0834-030CN PC Board
Print engine control board - For 220/240 VAC - Provides motor drive, paper motion monitoring, printing control and power supply
RM1-0836-020CN Plate
Left plate assembly - Left side of internal printer mechanism - The printer formatter board mounts to this plate
Q2658-67901 PC Board
Printer formatter board - Controls the logic and timing operation of the printer, translates the control panel input, and provides control of the scanner assembly - Does NOT include the LIU board
0515-2908 Screw
Pan head machine screw with washer - M3.0 x 0.5, 6mm long, Number 2 Phillips
C9138-60001 PC Board
Line interface unit (LIU) board - provides telephone communications (for fax capabilities) to the printer - For the United States and World Wide EXCEPT Europe
C9138-60002 PC Board
Line interface unit (LIU) board - provides telephone communications (for fax capabilities) to the printer - For Europe ONLY
C9126-60103 Cable
Ribbon flex cable - From line interface unit PC board to printer formatter PC board