C5374-60155 is represented by #3 in the diagram below.
C5374-80001 Cable
Cable assembly - Has a 7-pin (F) connector, a 5-pin (F) connector, and a 3-pin (F) connector - Overall length is 48.3cm (19in)
C5374-40008 Chassis
Lower ADF chassis - Large interior case part - Items such as the scanner assembly, ADF feed roller, prescan roller, and postscan roller mount on this part
C5374-60015 Roller
ADF feed roller (Short wide roller) mounts in center of the lower ADF chassis assembly
C5374-60021 Roller
Postscan roller - Shaft with 2 rollers - Mounts on underside of the lower ADF chassis
C5374-60010 Scanner
Scanner assembly - Includes light, mirrors, scanner CCD array, scanner PC board - No lower lever parts available
C5374-60020 Roller
Prescan roller - Shaft with 3 rollers - Mounts on underside of the lower ADF chassis