Q1273-60272 is represented by #11 in the diagram below.
Q1273-60250 PC Board
Main logic PC board - Includes processor and heatsink - For the DesignJet 4000 and 4500 printer series
Q1273-69250 PC Board
PCA FORMATER + PROC.+ HS-RCMain logic PC board - Includes processor and heatsink - For the Designjet 4000 and 4500 printer series
Q1273-60272 Cover
Electronics module external cover kit - Contains metal top and side covers
Q1273-60298 PC Board
Gamut PCI PC board Gamut PCI PC board HEWLETT PACKARD - Gamut PCI PCA SERVICE Board For DJ4000 SERIES.
Q1273-69298 PC Board
Gamut PCI PC board Gamut PCI PC board HEWLETT PACKARD - Gamut PCI PCA SERVICE Board For DJ4000 SERIES.
Q1273-60251 Power Supply
Power supply assembly - Input voltage 100 - 127/220 to 240VAC (+/- 10%) auto range, 6/3 amp maximum, 50/60 Hz (+/- 3Hz), 500W/105W standby
Q1273-69251 Power Supply
Power supply assembly - Input voltage 100 - 127/220 to 240VAC (+/- 10%) auto range, 6/3 amp maximum, 50/60 Hz (+/- 3Hz), 500W/105W standby - For use on the Designjet 4500 printer
Q1273-60249 Memory
256MB, 184Mhz, SDRAM DIMM memory module for HP Designjet Printer, Scanner, Photo Printers, and MFP models.