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Printer parts diagram for: Q5693-60509


Q5693-60509 is represented by #3 in the diagram below.

Q5693-60509 is represented by #3 in the diagram below.
Q5693-60529 PC Board LED display board (one LED) - Includes the user LED board and cable assembly - Mounts on the upper left of the support structure on the front of the 8-bin mailbox assembly
Q5693-60517 Cover Top cover assembly - Slightly curved rectangular piece - Mounts on top of the 8-bin mailbox assembly
Q5693-60509 Cover Front cover assembly - Large rectangular with a cutout for the LED display - Mounts on the front of the 8-bin mailbox assembly
Q5693-60520 Cover Blind cover assembly - `U` shaped cover - Mounts between the face-up output tray and the upper-most face-down output tray - Slides in and secures in the side retaining notches on the 8-bin mailbox assembly
Q5693-60530 PC Board Controller PC board assembly - Includes the controller PC board and metal shield - Mounts on the bottom rear of the 8-bin mailbox assembly - Firmware 050316
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