RG5-4306-050CN is represented by #7 in the diagram below.
C4214-69020 Power Supply
Low voltage power supply - For 120 VAC - Includes power switch, AC receptacle and DC power supply.
RG5-4300-000CN Power Supply
Low Voltage Power Supply (120V,60Hz) - Includes Power Low voltage power supply - For 120 VAC - Includes power switch, AC receptacle and DC power supply
RG5-4381-000CN Cable
Cable assembly - 18-pin (F) connector to 25.4cm (10in) grounding wire with ring terminal, 35.7cm (14in) cable with 4-pin (F) connector, 53.3cm (21in) cable with 1-pin (F) connector, and 86.4cm (34in) cable with 4-pin (F) connector