HP LaserJet 1020 plus printer (CC418A)
MFG Part Number: CC418A
14ppm black
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Power Supply parts for CC418A HP LaserJet 1020 plus printer
Power Supply - Power supply assembly - Large PC board which includes the AC power receptacle and power switch - For 110VAC to 127VAC (+/- 10%) operation - Mounts on the left side of the printer
Power Supply - Power supply assembly - Large PC board which includes the AC power receptacle and power switch - For 220VAC to 240VAC (+/- 10%) operation - Mounts on the left side of the printer
Power Supply - Power supply board assembly - Includes the input power cord connector and power swith - For 110V to 127VAC (+/- 10%) operation
Power Supply - Power supply board assembly - Includes the input power cord connector and power swith - For 220V to 240VAC (+/- 10%) operation
LaserJet 1020 plus printer parts list