C6072-69146Electronics module - Contains power supply, main logic board and cooling fan. (order just board C6071-60001).
C6074-60408Electronics module base - Includes cooling fan and power supply.
C6074-60436Hewlett Packard Electronic Module for Designjet 1050C+ and 1055CM+, Electronic module includes formatter pc board and power supply (enclosure).
C6074-69436Hewlett Packard Electronic Module for Designjet 1050C+ and 1055CM+, Electronic module includes formatter pc board and power supply (enclosure).
C6074-69460Hewlett Packard Electronic Module for Designjet 1050C+ and 1055CM+, Electronic module includes formatter pc board and power supply (enclosure).
C6075-60280Electronics module assembly (for Plus models) - For the DesignJet 1000 Series and the multi-roll feeder
C6075-69280Electronics module assembly for Plus models- For the C6075-69280 DesignJet 1055cm PLUS Electronics Module (non-plus, order C6072-60146).